Sunday 18 May 2014

The Value of Love is Wastefullness

is not about a mutual feeling of caring between two persons.
neither a feeling of need nor to be needed.
not about the affections,
the charisma,
the beauty.
All will fades away.
by time.

Love is a wastefulness.
and etc.

to experience love,
 You have to be brave enough to waste your time.
with that one person till 


P/S: ok, jum layan lagu John Legend

Friday 28 March 2014

The Toys.

Looking at them.
They are playing with their toys,
Sophisticated gadgets,
Expensive things,

Neither was I feeling jealous,

While they were playing with their toys,
I was busy playing with reality.

While they were having good time with their friends,
over some expensive things,
I was busy playing with sweat and tiredness.

When they were happy spending time sharing and talking bout their interest,
Talking bout sophisticated things, new technology, new memory,
I was busy creating my own world of imagination.

They and I,
We share little common interests.
They were playing with created things,
while i was busy playing with my mind,
creating new things..

while they was busy making memory,
I was busy making dream.

When they was busy sharing,
I was busy giving.

When they were gathering, 
I prefer to be alone.
lost in my own playground.

Play with my brain and mind.
Creating new imaginations.
For a future that I never own.

Coz I was born of unknown, 
Would be leaving as unknown.
promise me that,
You will be living in my future.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Aku dan Bulan.

Aku dan Bulan.
Berbicara kami berdua.
Berbicara bahasa kesunyian.
Hanya kami yang memahami.

       Topik perbicaraan kami.
       Tanpa jemu berbicara.

Kadang- kadang.
Turunnya hujan..
Berbicara dengan linangan air mata.

      Taktala aku dan bulan
      Mulai menyepi.

Kerana kisah cinta
Aku dan Bulan tidaklah seindah,
Kisah cinta,

  Romeo dan Juliet,
  Shah Jehan dan Mumtaznya,

Jauh sekali kisah Laila dan Majnun.

Kisah cinta Aku dan Bulan,
hanya berteman kesepian.
Setia menanti,
Tapi tak pernah dicari.

Taktala kesepian menghimpit,
Kami berpandangan.
Aku dan Bulan.

March.19 2014
Pauh, Arau, Perlis.